The Inner Alchemy of Transformation:
A Three Week Journey Through The Three Sacred Gates
You’re invited to the first online Opening Your Divine Channel Mystery School gathering.
We are creating a circle of seekers and students of the mystical arts so we may explore and cultivate this community of healers and teachers.
The Alchemy of Inner Transformation is a 3 week course which will take you through the journey of Opening the 3 Sacred Gates.
It’s time to Remember the alchemy of Self-transformation and awaken the dormant portals of Creative Expression within you. It is time to claim your Divine right to use your gifts and serve humanity.
The language of your creativity is your native tongue, and your sacred expression is the direct channel to the wisdom of Universal Divine Intelligence.
The power of your creativity opens the Divine Language of Your Soul. You are creative by your very nature and as you open yourselves to your creative flow you begin to uncover the Hidden Treasures of the abundant creative life force within you.
It is within us all, this unique creative channel, but often it is hidden beneath crushing insecurity and societal constraints that have drained many of us for too long.
By nurturing your creative expression you heal self-conscious behaviors, doubt, and old stories that limit your free expression.
As you learn to remove these blocks you liberate your true nature.
What is waiting for you to discover is inconceivable, vast, and unconditional. It pulses through every action and intention; it is the vibration of life itself reminding you of your secret power. Are you ready to learn how to cultivate and nurture this innate radiance that has never stopped shining?
We are the mystic muses and we are here to nurture the emergence of Sacred Play and Divine Expression. We have been preparing this offering for many years, and finally, through the harmonization of many different ancient lineages including our own channeled wisdom and insights, we are honored to share these sacred practices with you.
Within this course, you will receive the Fundamental Alchemy practices that support the Opening of Your Divine Channel. We will Attune and Activate the 3 Sacred Gates that will empower and prepare your body, speech, and mind for self-expression to flow naturally. .
We will work with :
Sacred Sounding Techniques
Mediumship Guidance
Esoteric Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism
Interactive Sharing
Vocal Activation
Light Language Channeling
Clearing and Cleansing Protocols
Sacred Art Alchemy Practices.
Through somatic integration and visualization techniques, we will guide you through these 3 Sacred Thresholds.
This Alchemy of Inner Transformation course will lay the groundwork for your individual path of Spiritual Liberation.
It is time for you to Reclaim Your Divine Calling.
We need you, the Oracles, the Dakinis, the Psychics, the Wizards, and the High Priests and Priestesses to share your gifts with the world.
It’s time to Open and Celebrate Your Divine Channel
Meet Your Muses
Join Us
Your Sacred Investment
We have scholarships for those in need. Please reach out to us directly for more information.